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Born in Dallas, Texas, in 1942. Lived in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, during WW II while Dad worked on the Manhattan Project. Lived in Washington DC and Durham, North Carolina. Moved to Boulder, Colorado, in 1949. Graduated from Boulder High School (just barely) in 1960. After a short stint as an Air Force Weather Observer and an even shorter stab at college, I began a series of jobs in grocery stores, warehouses, radio stations, restaurants, barn construction, and day labor in Colorado, Kansas, Oregon, and New Mexico before moving to the Pacific Northwest in 1973. I lived the next half of my life on the Olympic Peninsula where I learned to fly. Each marriage lasted longer than the one before as I got better at it.


I spent the last few years before retirement in Wilmington, Ohio. My wife, Nereida, and I live now and forevermore not far from the Pacific Ocean in Hebo, Oregon.



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